Monday, January 24, 2011

New Concept, New Statement

Shock & denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance; according to Dr. Kubler-Ross these are the five stages of grief. At one time or another we all experience grief and can feel each of these stages on some level. Using form, color & mark making, I seek to convey the emotions of each of these five stages through painting. I have chosen to work abstractly, as I think grief itself is an abstract idea. Like many artists before me, I begin with an automatist approach. Painting on wrinkled canvas I create forms that are unpredictable & random, and yet a solid foundation for the finished piece. Colors & forms are then enhanced or diminished to help convey the emotions of that particular stage. Throughout the process I am informed not only by my own experience, but also by other artists such as Lee Krasner, Jean-Paul Riopelle & Helen Frankenthaller.


  1. Wonderful! I would also like to comment, having just read your newest post about your depression piece, that yes there are these stages of grief but they do not always happen in this specific order...just to reassure you that it's OK to go out of order. :) Besides, in the artistic process we are always working on multiple pieces.
